21/4/2016 1 Comment How to get what you wantDo you know what you want? I mean really know what you want? A lot of people don’t.
I don’t mean the next shiny thing, or bit of stuff, or gadget. I mean what sort of life do you want? What are the experiences you’d like to have? After last month’s drum circle spirit journey, a friend came back having been told quite clearly to “ask for what you want”. This doesn’t just relate to interacting with people, it’s perfect guidance on how to manifest the life you want. Before we bought our townhouse we lived twelve years in a one bedroom flat with no balcony. The flat was awesome, it had a huge three-panelled north-facing window but I always described it as having no balcony. Not resentfully, more wistfully, thinking wouldn't it be lovely to sit outside with a cup of tea. But since our next place was to be a house, I didn’t expect we would ever end up with one. As the years passed, saving for and planning our move, I had other ‘wouldn't it be lovely’ thoughts: to live in a newish house not an old one like we could afford; to live somewhere less busy than the suburbs we were searching. I daydreamed of a cat that would visit, although I didn’t want to own one; and of living near the water - assuming it would be a bay or river. I even reminisced about the kooky slanted ceilings I grew up with, but when it came to our house buying shopping list none of these items were on it. We made our list around more practical things like number of bedrooms, distance to the city, transport, parking, etc. We searched pretty hard core for about a year, finding nothing we could afford that wasn’t a complete dump. Finally we gave ourselves a weekend off that included a visit to check out a friend’s new digs in Maroubra - a suburb that couldn’t have been further from our radar. As we stood on her balcony we started a 'wouldn't it be lovely...' conversation about how relaxed the neighbourhood felt and how easily people could visit with all the free street parking. In that moment our focus shifted from what we wanted to how we wanted to feel and within a week we’d found our home. The Universe is all about creation and it’s waiting ready to help us. When we only wish for stuff or things, with no consideration of the long term benefit, it makes for a pretty lame order. But when we stop to consider what a good life would look like, and imagine ourselves healthy and happy, the Universe has a lot more to work with - it’s the ultimate creator you capable of delivering things you’ve never even thought of, so don’t stifle it by being too specific. How then should you go about manifesting the life you want? Imagination, focus, and intent are the three ingredients that form the basis of ceremony, prayer, art, and any form of manifesting or creation. Reflect, search, journey, meditate, journal, track your dreams, or whatever you need to do to get a clear idea of what you want. Not the stuff you want, not the size of the paycheck or the suburb, more the work that will satisfy you or the lifestyle. Daydream yourself into how you want to feel, how you want your days and life to unfold, what feelings you want to have, how you want your relationships to be. Imagine what your perfect day looks like and how you want to feel when you wake up and go to bed. Consider what would be different if you could achieve this life, and what behaviours you’d be prepared to change to maintain your health and happiness. This ‘wouldn’t it be lovely…’ thinking radiating from your heart (rather than a plea for specific results) is all you need do to let the universe know what you really want. Once you’ve imagined what you want, the spirits (Universe, elves, angels, whatever you prefer to imagine) take your order and get to work on making it happen. It’s then that you need your focus and intent to give them the opportunity to deliver. For example, they can’t make you win the lottery if you don’t buy a ticket. Likewise, they’re not able to give you perfect health if you spend your life on the couch. But if you take a few steps in the direction of your dream, they will pull out all stops to get you there. Another important thing to consider is maintaining your focus. Spirits hear your thoughts - what you think about you bring about. They don’t understand worry, so if you start thinking about what could go wrong they’ll stop what they’re doing and begin making that instead. And if you keep asking for the same thing over and over, they will keep stopping and starting taking much longer to create whatever it is. My point is, the Universe has fabulous hearing and if we use our imagination, focus and intent we can tap into it and manifest whatever we want. Even if we don’t realise we want it. I had no idea I’d asked for so many things in my new home, but as soon as the opportunity arose I got them all - crazy angled ceilings, walking distance from the beach, and the loveliest neighbouring cat who sits in my lap while I sip tea on my balcony. When you stop thinking about the what and get some clarity about the how and why of what you want, you will be amazed at what the universe is capable of delivering. You might even start to expect the unexpected. :)
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