22/6/2016 1 Comment Breaking patternsThe movie Groundhog Day is a great metaphor for how the Universe teaches us. Phil (Bill Murray), a weatherman, is sick of the world and stuck in a town he doesn’t appreciate. He becomes trapped, waking to the same song on the radio each day, and having all the same situations play out - until he gets the lessons. Life is much the same. Before we take our skin suit we work out what it is that we want to learn during this earth walk and, while we’re here, the Universe orchestrates situations to help us learn. Often it feels frustrating. We forget our grand plan or our higher purpose and get bogged down in the physical manifestation of things until we finally hear ourselves think “why does this keep happening to me?” If you’ve ever posed yourself that question, read on. If not, congratulations and keep learning. The seven Huna principles is just one approach to breaking patterns and, as with most things, it’s pretty effective. Hold a pattern you would like to change in your awareness, then gently reflect on it using each of the seven principles. The world is what you think it is If you tell yourself you’re stuck, then you are. Try instead to think of your life as a story, where each situation or character in has been created to help you learn something. Reflection: What is this pattern trying to teach you? There are no limits The world is full of unimaginable abundance. Your capacity to learn and grow is limitless. Each time you approach the same situation you do it from a higher perspective, with more knowledge from your previous attempts. Reflection: What knowledge or skills have you gained so far to help break this pattern? Energy flows where attention goes If you keep focussing on what doesn’t work, on the patterns that keep repeating rather than on how you want your life to unfold, you are effectively feeding them. Reflection: How much time do you spend trying to inhabit how you would like to feel? Now is the moment of power We all have a finite number of days left on this earth walk. Tomorrow you will have one less. Don’t waste them thinking about what’s wrong or wishing for things to be different. Today you must act, even if it is just to write down your plan. Reflection: What action can you take today to make this shift? How will you incorporate taking one step in that direction every day? Love means to be happy with The only person you need to be happy with is you. Taking action to break patterns that don’t serve you or taking a risk to chase your dream takes courage but, regardless of the outcome, you can be happy with yourself for doing your best. Reflection: If you have identified a pattern be happy with yourself for becoming aware (don’t beat yourself up for repeating it). All power comes from within We are all different (thank goodness). What others may think is important is only what they see from their perspective, it has no relevance to you. You have your own higher purpose in this life and it is up to you to go within and tap into what it is that truly makes you happy. Reflection: What would do if no-one else mattered? That is the clue to finding what you are here for. Effectiveness is the measure of truth The only failure is not to try. The worst that can happen is that something won’t work as you planned. When that happens, it simply means that wasn’t the most effective method but you have learned something else to help you reach your dream another way. Reflection: What can you do differently to change the pattern? These simple reflections, pondered in relation to what you want to change, can help to identify what it is that holds a pattern in place. Awareness is the key to breaking the pattern, so reflect and become the observer. See what works and what if triggering repeat situations and eventually, like Phil the weatherman, you can make different choices that break the pattern and start your day with a new song.
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