22/6/2018 0 Comments There are no limitsAt May Drum Circle we took a look at the 2nd Huna principle “there are no limits” and the premise that everything is connected.
Consider that if we plant a single seed it will reach its roots deep into the earth looking for nourishment and stretch up to towards the sun in search of energy, and when that great tree is fully grown the deepest root and the most distant leaf on the highest branch are still connected. Similarly, when we make a human two cells join together in the perfect conditions for life. There they multiply by dividing repeatedly, yet they remain connected. They all form part of the initially tiny person who eventually grows into one of us. In the same way as the leaf and root remain connected, so do our fingers and eyes. This is how practices such as reflexology and iridology work. Following this logic, we can go a step further and look at the big bang. Our entire universe erupted out of almost nothing. A pea, that exploded and is still expanding. Therefore, despite the unimaginable size of it, everything in the universe is connected. This has been explored as part of Chaos theory, and is why astrology can be incredibly accurate, why some people can read your energy, and why even the way you swirl your tea leaves can have meaning. It’s also what allows us to talk to animals, plants and rocks – under the right conditions. We are all of the same earth. The right conditions for this type of communication is belief. Trust in universal truths and our own abilities, to the exclusion of doubters. Use of our in-tuition – lessons from within. When we believe in the interconnectedness of all things the potential is unlimited. And that’s why we live in a world of infinite possibilities, where the universe can conspire to help you. For it has great hearing and provides instant feedback - if we listen. Stillness and listening are the key skills to tap into your intuition and get the guidance that the universe is giving you. Uncluttering your mind, clearing space from people and technology to ground yourself and simply wait for that small voice to prompt you. It might not tell you what you expect, but if you get an insight and follow it, you will soon know if you are on your path. For with the right intent, whatever you can imagine you can bring into being. Yesterday was the winter Solstice, today we celebrate the return of the light and with it the endless possibilities of what we can dream into being. There really are no limits.
20/11/2017 0 Comments Where to next?“Next steps” is a phrase anyone working in the business world is familiar with. You present something that you’re working on, and the question at the end is always “where to next?” At work it’s easy, you look at the goal and work backwards from there to determine the steps to take. Why then, do we feel this is so much more difficult to do with our lives? We feel we’re ready and wanting to move forward, but we’re not sure which direction to take. Agile is another common business phrase. When used correctly, it means to try something one way and if it doesn’t work out to try again a different way. That’s it! Previously people referred to this as failing. It’s only failure if you stop. If you review what happened, adjust your approach and have another go, it’s learning. If you do this several times it’s experience, and often success. So how do you apply that to your life when you’re uncertain of where you want to end up? Simple, you just try something new. Anything, it doesn’t really matter so I suggest choosing something fun. As well as acquiring a different skill, learning something new:
There is always value in learning. Even if you’re learning things you think won’t lead anywhere, they can still help to inform you of the direction you don’t want to go in. There are countless ways to learn new things: DIY projects mean researching materials and techniques, which might help you understand why some tradies charge so much. You can learn at workshops, through books, the internet, free courses, community colleges, or your local library. Don’t know what to start with, start with you. Work on yourself, find out how to create joy, or improve your physical and mental health. Learn ways to motivate yourself - for me, waking up five years from now without moving forward is more scary than trying and failing at anything. If you want a change, it’s up to you to make it but you have to start. Sitting around waiting until you’re sure of your next step will bring success in one area – getting older, and you still won’t know what you want to do. Not having time is not an excuse either. If you don’t have time today and you don’t do anything differently you’re not going to create more hours in your week, you’ll only be creating less years in your life. Find the time, reprioritise your commitments, push yourself outside that comfort zone and find yourself a challenge. Because if you don’t the Universe will, and it will probably be based on all the scary stuff you’ve been focussing on rather than all the wonderful things you could be trying. Life is an adventure. Don’t spend it deciding how you’re going to participate. Play, experiment, be brave, fail spectacularly. If you don’t end up where you planned you will have had a loads of fun getting there. ---o0o--- Don't believe me? Check out this great example where a hospitality course led to a dream job in aged care:
http://www.abc.net.au/news/2017-11-20/army-program-put-a-trainee-back-on-track-to-aged-care/9154570 23/7/2017 0 Comments Helping the planet with happinessWe just spent a glorious morning walking along the coast before stopping for a bite at a local cafe. While it felt rather indulgent taking three hours out for breakfast, it also seemed like an opportunity not to be missed. You see this weekend sits between two significant events - the funeral of an uncle in his seventies and the 100th birthday of an aunt. Not surprisingly, the closeness of these two occasions made me somewhat reflective about how I’m choosing to spend my minutes, days, and years. Pondering what I’d like to remember at the end of my life, I came up with some pretty familiar concepts: immersing myself in nature, connecting with spirit, and loving unconditionally. Basically, spending my time as a human being, not a human doing. So how do I approach that? Every thought we have creates an energetic imprint. That’s how some people can read jewellery, tell you what happened in a haunted house, or just walk into a room and feel the tension. So I figure the best way I can spend my life is by leaving as many positive imprints as I can. You create positive imprints when you’re happy. Doing things that put you in flow with the universe, practicing gratitude, being kind to others, all create positive imprints. Whereas giving until you are depleted, doing what you think is expected of you, or losing yourself in technology, conflict, or addictive behaviours will create negative imprints. For me, treading softly on the planet, cultivating beautiful relationships, nurturing those close to you are all simple ways to generate an abundance of positive energy vibrations. But being able to do those things, often means putting your own health and happiness first. Sometimes this may feel indulgent, even selfish but making sure you’re in the best mood you can be in is often the simplest way to create beautiful, vibrant, low impact energy imprints to share with the planet. And if that means allowing three hours for breakfast, so be it. What about you? What can you do to put yourself in a place of bliss to energetically give back to the planet? 21/5/2017 1 Comment Tapping into Universal timingIt always impresses me that when you put your intention out to the Universe it answers quickly and clearly, that is if you’re prepared to listen. Last month in circle we were set to work on the sacral chakra - the centre for choice, relationships, and creativity. As I approached the Quakers Centre, where we hold the meditations, I passed two young women looking across the road somewhat indecicively. A few minutes later, as I was unpacking in the hall, the same two bright faces appeared in the doorway. They were curious as to what the Friends Society (name on the building) was all about. We explained we were a meditation circle that the Quakers were kind and open minded enough to have been hosting for more than a decade, and told them they were welcome to join. Politely they declined and left. About five minutes before we were due to start, one of them returned to join us. As she introduced herself she shared that she’d been working with this same chakra energy for a few weeks, so wandering into a meditation with the same focus had been too serendipitous to pass up. Her meditation proved fruitful as she connected with a personal totem to help her understand this energy at a deeper level than most others could intuit for her. However, not all lessons are this convenient or gentle for that matter. Some other circle regulars, who have worked this energy before, came along with relationship challenges that had been steadily building during the previous month. Knowing the circle was on the way allowed these circumstances to surface, providing the opportunity to connect with and gain the insight of a specific totem. Also interesting for this and other scheduled chakra circles was who was able to make it. Often, if you aren’t ready to work through a certain lesson or need to continue of a previous one, the universe will conspire to shield or exempt you from that particular focus. Conflicting appointments, cars, traffic, or illness can all suddenly materialise to prevent you being there. There is nothing wrong with this. It’s just another way of the universe giving you information about this particular area in your life. If you’re unsure about how when or where to get your next dose of intuitive guidance, take the easy option. Set your intention, wait, listen, and trust you are connected. The universe will present all the signs, symbols and opportunities to guide you at the perfect time. 17/2/2017 4 Comments Nobody's perfect (and that's OK)"I’ve come across two quotes this week about being perfect. Well actually about not being perfect. The first was from Layne Beachley - “done is better than perfect”. She was referring to not delegating because you believe you’re the only one who will do something properly. Apart from this resulting in you thinking you have to do everything, you’ll probably also tell yourself a pretty good story about not having enough support. The other quote from Simon Sinek was “progress is more important than perfection”. It’s very easy to let the inner critic run wild when you don’t get something quite right, especially when you're learning something new. You might not get the desired result as soon as you'd like, but if you’re improving that’s enough. As Mr Wonderful likes to say “an 80% improvement is a lot better than what you started with”. Don Miguel Ruiz in his best-selling book The Four Agreements gave us another way of looking at things. He said “always do your best" and with this he pointed out that your best will vary day to day. One day you might be able to scale a mountain and another you might just want to curl up with a book and listen to the rain. If you honour how you’re feeling on the day, you’ll probably do a great job of getting through that book. So that’s my take away from the Universe dishing up two better than perfect quotes. On those days when I have a dozen things in mind to do and it’s stinking hot and I lose all motivation, it’s alright. There will be other days like today, when I wake refreshed and bounding with energy and run at the world and I find my best is better than it usually is and there’s really no need to strive for perfect. Perfect isn’t about the way we do things like clean house, or write a report, or cook a meal. Perfect is a sunrise, a magpie’s song, or a cooling breeze. It’s nature and we’re part of that - and I can’t think of anything more perfect. 21/8/2016 2 Comments Your life as a storyIn story we study what’s known as the the hero's journey. We set up a main character with a significant character flaw, then put them through a sequence of events that challenge their weakness. As the story progresses the challenges become greater, allowing the audience to sit back and watch our character become stronger and eventually overcome their weakness. Life is much the same. Before we take a skinsuit for our earthwalk we reflect on what we've learnt in previous lifetimes, then deliberately choose a path that will challenge us in the area in which we're trying to grow. While in spirit form we make deals with others who offer to come and help us with our lessons. These agreements are well understood at a higher level. For example, if we need to learn about self sufficiency and resilience, they might agree to manifest in our lives as someone who leaves us. However when this happens in our physical form, and our memories of the agreement are gone, we feel devastated, deserted, and the first time it happens we will often fall into a victim or ‘why me’ mindset. As with the character in our story, if we stay in this place nothing good comes of it. We simply wallow in self pity and fail to get the lesson. However, when we pick ourselves up and get back on track we find that all is not lost, and we are a little wiser and stronger as a result. Like a story our lives go on, and when we fail to get the lesson we are often faced with an even bigger challenge next time, which should make what we are trying to learn more obvious. But, as the main character in our story, we are often too deep in the minutiae to get the perspective to see what the pattern is telling us. What did I come here to learn? How can I grow from this situation? What specific thing can I do differently this time to change the outcome? These are the questions that help to lift us out of the detail whenever we find ourselves feeling disappointed, let down, or leaning towards a victim mindset. When we have the courage to reflect on life in this way, believing we create our own situations, then we find we also have the strength to try to handle things differently. This approach enables us to shift our focus to what type of person we want to have become by the end of our story, and what challenges we would like to have faced and overcome. We are well equipped to handle challenges, it's in our nature. We just need to choose them wisely. We must realise we are only answerable to ourselves and choose challenges for the result they will have on our personal and spiritual growth, not based on any other external factor. With this focus we can face them all knowing we have the strength to get through them and the resilience to try again if we don't. The only difference between us and our character hero is that we have a choice over how quickly we choose to grow. 22/6/2016 1 Comment Breaking patternsThe movie Groundhog Day is a great metaphor for how the Universe teaches us. Phil (Bill Murray), a weatherman, is sick of the world and stuck in a town he doesn’t appreciate. He becomes trapped, waking to the same song on the radio each day, and having all the same situations play out - until he gets the lessons. Life is much the same. Before we take our skin suit we work out what it is that we want to learn during this earth walk and, while we’re here, the Universe orchestrates situations to help us learn. Often it feels frustrating. We forget our grand plan or our higher purpose and get bogged down in the physical manifestation of things until we finally hear ourselves think “why does this keep happening to me?” If you’ve ever posed yourself that question, read on. If not, congratulations and keep learning. The seven Huna principles is just one approach to breaking patterns and, as with most things, it’s pretty effective. Hold a pattern you would like to change in your awareness, then gently reflect on it using each of the seven principles. The world is what you think it is If you tell yourself you’re stuck, then you are. Try instead to think of your life as a story, where each situation or character in has been created to help you learn something. Reflection: What is this pattern trying to teach you? There are no limits The world is full of unimaginable abundance. Your capacity to learn and grow is limitless. Each time you approach the same situation you do it from a higher perspective, with more knowledge from your previous attempts. Reflection: What knowledge or skills have you gained so far to help break this pattern? Energy flows where attention goes If you keep focussing on what doesn’t work, on the patterns that keep repeating rather than on how you want your life to unfold, you are effectively feeding them. Reflection: How much time do you spend trying to inhabit how you would like to feel? Now is the moment of power We all have a finite number of days left on this earth walk. Tomorrow you will have one less. Don’t waste them thinking about what’s wrong or wishing for things to be different. Today you must act, even if it is just to write down your plan. Reflection: What action can you take today to make this shift? How will you incorporate taking one step in that direction every day? Love means to be happy with The only person you need to be happy with is you. Taking action to break patterns that don’t serve you or taking a risk to chase your dream takes courage but, regardless of the outcome, you can be happy with yourself for doing your best. Reflection: If you have identified a pattern be happy with yourself for becoming aware (don’t beat yourself up for repeating it). All power comes from within We are all different (thank goodness). What others may think is important is only what they see from their perspective, it has no relevance to you. You have your own higher purpose in this life and it is up to you to go within and tap into what it is that truly makes you happy. Reflection: What would do if no-one else mattered? That is the clue to finding what you are here for. Effectiveness is the measure of truth The only failure is not to try. The worst that can happen is that something won’t work as you planned. When that happens, it simply means that wasn’t the most effective method but you have learned something else to help you reach your dream another way. Reflection: What can you do differently to change the pattern? These simple reflections, pondered in relation to what you want to change, can help to identify what it is that holds a pattern in place. Awareness is the key to breaking the pattern, so reflect and become the observer. See what works and what if triggering repeat situations and eventually, like Phil the weatherman, you can make different choices that break the pattern and start your day with a new song. |
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